Conference Research Activity

Conference Research Activity

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This article contains information on how to complete an Endorsed Conference Research Activity.

What is the Conference Research Activity LX? 

The Conference Research Activity is an Endorsed Learning Experience (LX) that can be used to highlight a pharmacist's contribution to scientific, clinical and/or academic progress in their chosen area of practice through evidence of peer reviewed research presented at a professional conference, either a poster or presentation. It can be used for inclusion towards ANZCAP recognition. 

The LX also aims to guide self-reflection on the impact of this conference experience on the pharmacists' current or future practice and set development goals for future research experiences. 


  • Abstract submission accepted for a presentation at a conference 

  • Abstract submission accepted for a poster at a conference 

Conference Research Activity Process 





  1. Pharmacist completes a research abstract that is accepted at a pharmacy or area of practice conference as either a poster or presentation via a peer review approval process. 

  1. Pharmacists attends the conference and shares their research in the accepted format 

  1. Pharmacist engages in self-reflection to record the impact of experience on current and/or future pharmacy practice. 

  1. Attach evidence of the conference (optional)


The total time to complete the Endorsed Conference Research Activity LX should take between 10-15 minutes.

An Endorsed Conference Research Activity LX is best completed as a retrospective reflection i.e. after the pharmacist has been accepted and attended the conference. 

Practice Recognition Level 

The pharmacist should indicate in the Learning Experience which of the three levels of practice recognition (resident, register, consultant) they are currently practicing at or a candidate for. 

The Conference Research Activity Learning Experience is mapped to:

  • Domain 5 of the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia 2016. Please note that not all the domain 5 indicators listed in this document may be relevant to this Learning Experience. 

  • Domain 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 of the Competence Standards for Pharmacists in Aotearoa New Zealand Pharmacists, 2023. Please note that not all the Domain 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 behaviours listed in these competence standards may be relevant to this Learning Experience.

Please refer to the ANZCAP recognition descriptors article for the further guidance on markers of performance for each ANZCAP recognition level.


Pharmacists may have engaged in discussion with professional peers, mentors or managers to encourage reflective practice. However, this is an Endorsed Learning Experience and therefore the final submission should be completed by the pharmacist without collaboration. 

Forms and Templates 

Evidence of the Conference Research Activity is documented directly into the ANZCAP digital platform as an Endorsed Learning Experience (LX). For further step by step instructions on how to do this please refer to the How to complete a Learning Experience article.

If ANZCAP members wish to use a Conference Research Activity form from their own organisation, the completed form may be uploaded into the Supporting Evidence section of the LX. (Please note that for the LX to become validated the candidate must still complete all sections marked with an asterisk (*) and the collaborator must document their involvement via the electronic collaborator declaration process).


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