How to use the Learning Experience (LX) Library
  • Rough draft
  • How to use the Learning Experience (LX) Library

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    In this article


    This article describes how to use the LX library.

    How to access the LX Library

    Access the LX library from

    • ANZCAP Landing page

    • Recognitions portfolios page

    All Learning Experiences are stored within the LX Library.

    LX status

    LX's within the LX library can have the status of draft, validated or expired.


    LX has been started by the user but the required declaration has not been completed.

    The LX may not be allocated to any type of portfolio.


    User or collaborator have completed the declaration.

    The LX may be allocated to a recognition or a custom portfolio.


    LX has been validate more then 5 years ago.

    The LX may be allocated to a custom portfolio only.

    Sort, Filter and View LX in the LX library

    The LX’s within the LX library are automatically grouped by their status, appearing draft and then validated and then expired.

    You can search for a particular LX in the LX library by:

    • Using the search bar (at the top of the LX library) to search for a LX by title

    • Using the filter settings (underneath the search bar) to filter by activity type or status

    Expiry of an LX

    All LX types expire 5 years after the date they are completed (validated). The change is status to expired, occurs automatically at 5 years.

    The exception to this the Endorsed Post graduate degree LX.

    Expiry of LX only impacts recognition portfolios that are not yet complete.

    • An expired LX will continue to appear in a recognition portfolio that was completed ('Active’) prior to the LX expiry date.

    • If an LX expires within a recognition portfolio that is not yet complete, it no longer appears in the portfolio. This ensures that when the recognition is complete and submitted for validation, that the LX within the recognition represent a current profile of the candidate.

    An expired LX can continue to be used within Custom Portfolios (feature available in future releases).

    Deleting an LX

    Delete an LX by selecting the ellipsis in the top right hand corner of the LX tile, and choosing “Delete Learning Experience”. Once a LX is deleted it will no longer appear in the LX library.

    How to use an LX

    Please refer to the How to complete a learning experience article for further details.

    Please refer to the How to build a recognition portfolio and How to build a custom portfolio articles for further details on how to allocate an LX to a portfolio.


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