ANZCAP Pathways
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This article describes pathways available to those with ANZCAP access to achieve recognition.
ANZCAP Pathways
Pharmacist can currently achieve ANZCAP Recognition as a Pharmacist Resident, Pharmacist Registrar or Pharmacist Consultant via one of two merit-based ANZCAP pathways.
The various pathways provide flexibility and choice for ANZCAP participants practicing in a diverse range of settings and scopes of practice to achieve recognition.
Independent Pathway
Candidates achieve ANZCAP recognition by completing a self-directed recognition portfolio. The Independent Pathway allows individuals flexibility to complete their portfolio in any practice setting by using a combination of Core and Elective Learning Experiences (LXs) to complete their Recognition Portfolio and achieve ANZCAP recognition.
Further details on the LX requirements for ANZCAP recognition via the Independent Pathway is available in the following articles:
Training Programs
Candidates achieve ANZCAP recognition by completing a Training Program at an accredited workplace. The Training Program contains a specified curriculum of Core Learning Experiences which must be completed to create a Recognition Portfolio and achieve ANZCAP recognition.
Completion of Learning Experiences is supported by accredited workplace specific program leads and preceptors.
Examples of current training programs include:
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) Resident Training Program
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) Registrar Training Program
Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) Community Pharmacy Resident Training Program
Currently there are no training programs available to obtain ANZCAP Pharmacist Consultant recognition.
For further details on how to gain access to a Training Program please refer to the AdPha Training Program website.
Recognition via a combination of the different pathways
Throughout a pharmacist's career they may obtain progressive ANZCAP recognition levels via a combination of the various pathways.
For example:
A pharmacist may obtain their Pharmacist Resident recognition via the Independent Pathway and then obtain an AdPha Registrar Training (formally ATR) position so switch to the Training program to obtain their Pharmacist Registrar Recognition
Alternatively a pharmacist may obtain their Pharmacist Resident and Pharmacist Registrar recognition via Training programs and then their Pharmacist Consultant recognition via the Independent Pathway.
Learning Experiences (LX)
A Learning Experience (LX) is a type of Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) tool that a pharmacist can use to record evidence of professional practice at any one of the ANZCAP Recognition level (e.g. Pharmacist Resident, Registrar, Consultant).
Learning Experiences are the building blocks used to build a recognition portfolio and achieve ANZCAP recognition.
Pre-registration features
With ANZCAP pre-registration membership, students and provisionally registered (intern) pharmacists have access to range of specially tailored features on the ANZCAP digital platform. These features have been developed in consultation with representative organisations to ensure they enable students and interns to document and showcase their individual practice.
These can be shared with others using the ANZCAP Custom Portfolios feature.
Further information on the ANZCAP features available to pharmacy students and provisional registered pharmacists (interns) is available here.
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