Autonomous Quality Improvement Project Assessment Tool (QIPAT)

Autonomous Quality Improvement Project Assessment Tool (QIPAT)

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In this article


This article contains information on how to complete an Autonomous QiPAT.

What is the Autonomous QiPAT LX?

The Autonomous Quality Improvement Project Assessment (QiPAT) is an Autonomous Learning Experience (LX) that can be used to document and self-reflect on a pharmacist's contribution to a quality improvement project within their team, organization or profession and encourage self-reflection of the skills utilized during the project.

It is a Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) tool that can be used for inclusion towards ANZCAP recognition.

The main outcome of the LX is to record evidence of current professional practice in a situation that utilizes a combination of skills including (but exclusive to); communication, project management, process change theory, innovation and leadership skills in a chosen professional area. 


  • Review of factors contributing to near miss dispensing errors and implementation of a new checklist to complete after each medication is dispensed  

  • Review of vaccination service to ensure compliance with all relevant requirements (reporting, strive for 5, service delivery etc) 

  • Completing Quality Care 2020 remedial actions* 

*Denotes Learning Experiences that may assist in meeting Quality Care 2020 requirements

Autonomous QiPAT Process 





  1. The pharmacist identifies a suitable project that they have been involved in or led to utilize the QiPAT LX. Ensuring that the practice recognition level and clinical setting/topic that the QiPAT is to focus on is appropriate

  1. Pharmacist completes the project 

  1. Pharmacist completes the Autonomous QiPAT LX which includes documentation, reflection and development goal setting


An Autonomous QIPAT is best completed as a retrospective reflection. 


Choosing a QiPAT Situation 

There is a wide variety of skills or situations that may be appropriate for reflection using the Autonomous QiPAT LX. See some suggested examples above. Ideally an Autonomous QiPAT should focus on a project that has been completed to allow the pharmacist to also consider the outcomes of the scenario. Ultimately the exact scenario, role played, and the skills expected by the pharmacist will vary depending on the practice recognition level they are aiming to meet. 

Practice Recognition Level 

The QiPAT Learning Experience is mapped to:

  • Domain 4 & 5 of the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia 2016. Please note that not all the domain 4 & 5 indicators listed in this document may be relevant to this Learning Experience.

  • Domain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the Competence Standards for Pharmacists in Aotearoa New Zealand Pharmacists, 2023. Please note that not all the Domain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 behaviours listed in these competence standards may be relevant to this Learning Experience.

The pharmacist must identify a quality improvement Project opportunity that applies to their current level of practice (e.g. ANZCAP resident, register or consultant) and area of specialty.

Please refer to the ANZCAP recognition descriptors article for the further guidance on markers of performance for each ANZCAP recognition level.


In some scenarios the same project may be used for pharmacists aiming for different levels of practice recognition. However, the complexity and expected knowledge, skills and role will vary. 


Pharmacists may have engaged in discussion with professional peers, mentors or managers to encourage reflective practice. However, this is an Autonomous Learning Experience and therefore the final submission should be completed by the pharmacist without collaboration. 

Reflection & Goal Setting

The pharmacist is encouraged to utilize the SMART goal technique to develop any learning or development goals that are identified from self-reflection after the experience. 

Forms and Templates 

Evidence of the quality improvement activity is documented directly into the ANZCAP digital platform as an Autonomous Learning Experience (LX). For further step by step instructions on how to do this please refer to the How to complete a Learning Experience article.

If ANZCAP members wish to use a QiPAT form from their own organisation, the completed form may be uploaded into the Supporting Evidence section of the LX. (Please note that for the LX to become validated the candidate must still complete all sections marked with an asterisk *).


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