Recognition, specialties and post-nominals

Recognition, specialties and post-nominals

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This article describes the levels of ANZCAP Recognition available to practitioners from Australia and New Zealand, specialty areas of pharmacy practice and post-nominals (and how to use them).

Recognition descriptions

Pharmacist Resident (ANZCAP-Res.)

Pharmacist Residents demonstrate a robust foundation of knowledge, skills and expertise that enables them to navigate various patient demographics and clinical environments with confidence and competence. They use their proficiency in medicines management to support the multi-disciplinary team while drawing on the expertise and knowledge of others where appropriate. Residents have developed self-leadership qualities and recognise opportunities for change and innovation within the pharmacy profession, seeking to promote these and improve the clinical practices of themselves and their team.

Pharmacist Registrar (ANZCAP-Reg.)

Pharmacist Registrars possess the knowledge, skills, and expertise to independently provide care for individuals with complex healthcare requirements for a specialised practice area. They have developed skills in leadership, education, and research necessary to effectively shape practices within their broader team or organisation. Leveraging their expertise, they offer personalised patient care and tangibly enhance the outcomes of the services they manage or lead.

Pharmacist Consultant (FANZCAP)

Pharmacist Consultants exemplify leadership within the profession, holding positions as senior experts collaborating across patient pathways to oversee complex clinical cases within a multidisciplinary framework. Their responsibilities extend to activities that harness their extensive expertise to advance individual and communal well-being. These professionals take the lead in generating and sharing evidence relevant to their practice, propelling enhancements in care and shaping practice standards.


View examples of practitioner roles and activities at different recognition levels via the slide below:

Specialty areas of practice

Pharmacists who achieve ANZCAP recognition at the Pharmacist Registrar and Consultant level may nominate one or two of 46 areas of specialty pharmacy practice to indicate the area/s in which they have attained their skills and experience. The specialty areas of practice and post-nominal abbreviations are described in the Specialty areas of practice article.

The specialty areas of practice will be reviewed regularly. If you can’t find the area you wish to attribute to your portfolio, consider your current role and what it involves – are there specialty areas that are listed that could fit what you do? Are you a generalist rather than practicing in one specific area?

Please email anzcap@shpa.org.au if you would like us to consider adding a particular specialty in the future.


Pharmacists who achieve ANZCAP recognition are conferred a post-nominal corresponding with their level of achievement. Post-nominals allow pharmacists a standardised way to share their ANZCAP recognition.

Pharmacist Resident


Pharmacist Registrar

ANZCAP-Reg. (specialty area/s)

Pharmacist Consultant/Fellow of ANZCAP

FANZCAP (specialty area/s)

Examples below - view all in the Specialty areas of practice article.

  • ANZCAP-Reg. (PainMgmt, PeriopMed)

  • FANZCAP (Generalist)

Important note: In utilising ANZCAP post-nominals, pharmacists must adhere to the Ahpra Code of Conduct which states a health professional must “not misrepresent by misstatement or omission your work history, experience, qualifications or position” (8.8 [b]).

Your ANZCAP recognition must not be displayed in a manner that misrepresents your role in the provision of pharmacy services and delivery of patient care.

Sharing your achievement: Digital Badge

ANZCAP members who have received recognition as an ANZCAP Pharmacist Resident, Pharmacist Registrar or Pharmacist Consultant are entitled to use a digital badge to share achievement of their ANZCAP recognition.

ANZCAP Pharmacist Consultant Badge.png

From the Recognition portfolio page you can access your digital badge by selecting the “Actions” button in the bottom left hand corner of the recognition tile. Choose the “download digital badge” option. You may download a copy of the badge to share on social media platforms or share a link to the digital badge with individuals.

Sharing your achievement: Recognition Certificate

ANZCAP members who have received recognition as an ANZCAP Pharmacist Resident, Pharmacist Registrar or Pharmacist Consultant are entitled are entitled to use a certificate to share achievement of their ANZCAP recognition.

Consultant certificate.png

From the Recognition portfolio page you can access your certificate by selecting the “Actions” button in the bottom left hand corner of the recognition tile. Choose the “download certificate A4” option. You may download a copy of the certificate.

Sharing your achievement: Recognition Simple Summary

ANZCAP members who have received recognition as an ANZCAP Pharmacist Resident, Pharmacist Registrar or Pharmacist Consultant are able to share a summary of their recognition portfolio with professional peers. There are two types of summaries that can be shared:

  • Simple summary (pictured below)

  • Full summary; (feature available in future releases) contains details of the LX used to achieve recognition

From the Recognition portfolio page you can share your recognition portfolio summary by selecting the “Actions” button in the bottom left hand corner of the recognition tile. Choose the “Share simple summary” option. You may download a copy of the summary or share it will colleagues using the link.


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