Professional Practice Standards (PPS) 2023 Tool

Professional Practice Standards (PPS) 2023 Tool

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This article contains information on how to complete a Professional Practice Standards Tool (PPS) as Professional Practice Assessment Tool as a collaborative Learning experience.

What is the Professional Practice Standards Tool (PPS)? 

The PPS is a tool used to self assess whether an individual pharmacist’s professional performance enables the delivery of safe, high-quality, reliable and clinically effective healthcare services and supports the quality use of medicines. It allows for reflection of one’s performance with the purpose of improving practice.

Information on how to complete the Professional Practice Standards Tool can be found at the following website: Professional Practice Standards - Pharmaceutical Society of Australia  

The main outcome of this tool should be to promote the pharmacist to engage in self-reflection of current practice. 

Professional Practice Standards (PPS) 2023 Tool Process 





  1. The pharmacist completes the Professional Practice self-assessment and quality improvement implementation program.  

  1. The pharmacist arranges a time suitable with the collaborator to discuss the outcomes. The pharmacist and collaborator should also confirm the practice recognition level and clinical setting/topic that the pharmacist is currently working towards. 

  1. The pharmacist and collaborator complete a feedback session and use this discussion to formulate a plan for implementing the actions identified in the self-assessment. Ideally this should happen within a reasonable time after the self-assessment. 

Practice Recognition Level 

The Professional Practice Assessment Tool Learning Experience is mapped to Domain 1, 2, 4 & 5 of the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia 2016. 

Please refer to the ANZCAP recognition descriptors article for the further guidance on markers of performance for each ANZCAP recognition level. The pharmacist and collaborator should indicate on the learning experience tool which of the three levels of practice recognition (resident, register, consultant) they are currently practicing at or a candidate for. Please note that not all the domain 1, 2, 4 & 5 indicators listed in this document may be relevant to this Learning Experience.


The collaborator must be a pharmacist who has completed their own Professional Practice Standard self-assessment and who is ideally more senior to the pharmacist. Collaborators must be professionally competent in the standards being addressed as part of the PSS Tool.

Forms and Templates

The pharmacist will complete the PSS self-assessment tool.

Professional Practice Standards - Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

The pharmacist and collaborator will then discuss a plan for implementing the goals identified in the PSS self-assessment tool into practice. The completed ‘PSS self-assessment tool’ should be uploaded in the Supporting Evidence section of the Professional Practice Assessment tool LX available on the ANZCAP digital platform.

For further details on how to complete a Learning Experience on the ANZCAP digital platform please refer to the How to complete a Learning Experience article.

Please note that for the LX to become validated the candidate must complete all sections marked with an asterisk (*) and the collaborator must document their involvement via the electronic collaborator declaration process.


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