How to Build a Custom Portfolio
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In this article
This article describes how to build a custom portfolio
How to start a new Custom Portfolio
A new custom portfolio can be started by selecting the “+ Create new custom portfolio” button available on the Custom portfolios screen.
Enter the Title and Description for your Custom Portfolio and confirm by selecting “Create”.
The new custom portfolio will then appear as “In Progress” in your Custom Portfolio screen.
While the custom portfolio is “In Progress” the title and description can be updated by clicking on the pencil icon next to the chosen section.
How to add LXs to your custom portfolio
Choose the “+ Add LX to Portfolio” button.
Choose from a list of draft and validated LXs currently in your LX Library OR alternatively start a new LX by selecting the “+ Create New LX” button.
You can include:
Unlimited number of LXs
Validated LXs
Expired LXs
LXs included in a recognition portfolio
LXs included in other custom portfolios
Removing an LX from your custom portfolio
Choose the ellipsis in the top right corner of the LX tile and remove Learning Experience. The LX will then return to the LX Library.
Completing and sharing a Custom Portfolio
All LXs within a custom portfolio must be in the validated or expired status.
Once you have added all the chosen LXs you can complete the custom portfolio by clicking the “Complete to share” button at the bottom of the screen. Once a custom portfolio is complete no further edits can be made.
Your complete custom portfolio summary (see below) can be shared using the “share this custom portfolio” link OR downloaded as a pdf.
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