Guidance for collaborators involved in LXs

Guidance for collaborators involved in LXs

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In this article


This article describes the roles and requirements of a Learning Experience (LX) collaborator.

Collaborator Definition

A collaborator is a professional colleague who has the expertise and scope of practice required to engage in a feedback and reflection discussion with a candidate on the specific professional experience being recorded in a Collaborative Learning Experience (LX). A Collaborator can be from a range of multidisciplinary qualifications (pharmacy, medical, nursing).

Examples of a collaborator include:

  • Line manager or team lead

  • Pharmacy clinical educator or preceptor

  • Consultant or Registrar that you work in a multi-disciplinary team with

  • Research mentor or PhD supervisor

Collaborator Role

The role of the collaborator is to engage in a collaborative discussion with the candidate about a key professional experience being recorded in the LX. This discussion should provide the candidate with:

  • Agreement on the level of ANZCAP recognition (Resident, Registrar or Consultant) that the candidate is currently practicing at

  • Feedback/assessment on key aspects of the skill or activity being documented in the learning experience

  • Guided reflection on the candidates strengths and areas for development

  • Support in setting development goals that address identified areas for development

The Feedback, Reflection and Goal setting article provides support for collaborators carrying out the above collaborative LX requirements.

Some collaborators who are conducting a LX with a candidate in a formalized training program may choose to use the LX discussion as an initiation for delivery of formal teaching. However this is an extension of the collaborative LX and not a requirement.

To ensure that the collaborator is able to accurately provide the candidate with feedback and reflection, the collaborator must have either:

  • directly observed the candidate completing the learning experience OR

  • engaged in regular debrief sessions throughout or at the conclusion of the learning experience (Note: only appropriate if the experience is longitudinal or private in nature)

Collaborative Learning Experiences

The Collaborative Learning Experience article outlines further information on the different types of Collaborative Learning Experiences and specific requirements. Each Learning Experience has it’s own digital tool available on the ANZCAP Digital platform. Ideally candidates and collaborators will enter relevant information into the digital tool in real time and confirm involvement and accomplishment of the Collaborative Learning Experience. 

Each Collaborative Learning Experience tool contains a list of LX criteria for the collaborator to document the assessment and feedback responses.

Each criteria requires documentation of a comment and a marker of; Not yet met, meets or exceeds.

Not yet met

Performance does not yet meet the expected for the indicated practice recognition level. 


Performance meets the standard expected for the indicated practice recognition level. 


Performance is above the standard expected for the indicated practice recognition level and is moving towards progression in recognition level. 

Validating a Collaborative Learning Experience

Once all components of the Learning Experience Tool have been completed the collaborator is required to document their involvement by completing the collaborator declaration (see image below for required declaration details).

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