Sharing your ANZCAP Recognition as a Certification in LinkedIn
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In this article
This article describes how to share your ANZCAP recognition on LinkedIn as a Certification. By using the method described below, your Recognition remains available to be viewed by others at any time. Your badge is linked back to the ANZCAP database to verify your recognition and its status in real time.
Sharing your ANZCAP Recognition on LinkedIn as a Certification
The following describes how you can share your ANZCAP Recognition badge as a ‘Certification’ on LinkedIn so it remains available to be viewed and accessed. This record is automatically linked to a page that verifies the badge is current and is owned by you.
You can also share your badge on any social media platform as a Post.
See the separate article Sharing your ANZCAP Recognition as a Post on Social Media
Log into ANZCAP
Log into your ANZCAP account and navigate to your completed Recognition in the Recognition Portfolios tab.
Click on the ‘Actions’ button on the right side of the tile of the completed Recognition, and select ‘Download Digital Badge’.
In the badge screen, select Copy
All you will need to create your LinkedIn certification record is the URL you have copied in the badge page. This will link back into ANZCAP automatically so your recognition and its status are verified in real time.
Log into LinkedIn
Log in to your account in LinkedIn or create a new account.
Open your profile by clicking on your name or photo (left hand column)
Scroll down to the section ‘Licenses and Certifications’ and select '+'
A new form opens for you to add your ANZCAP Recognition as a new certification.
Complete the form using the suggested details below:
Field Name | Suggested Text |
Name | ANZCAP Pharmacist (insert recognition level i.e. Resident, Registrar or Consultant) |
Issuing Organization | Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) |
Issue Date | Use your badge ‘Completed Date’ |
Credential ID | Use your badge 'R' number e.g. R000001 |
Credential URL | Paste the badge URL you copied from the ANZCAP page |
Skills | Select +Add skill and select skills closest to your recognition specialties (optional) |
Media | Select +Add media and select ‘Add a Link’. The Add a Link window opens |
Complete the Add a link window as per below:
Field Name | Suggested Text |
Paste or type URL | Paste the same URL you copied from the badge page. At the end of the the text box, select Add |
Title | (Automatically populated) |
Description | Add your own brief description of your recognition |
Select Apply to apply the details of the details of the credential. You are then returned to the Licenses and Certifications window.
Select Save to save the changes.
From this page, your credentials can be viewed by clicking on ‘Show Credential’ to show a description of the credential in the Simple Summary screen or by clicking on the badge at the bottom of the screen to show a larger version of the badge.
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