Autonomous Learning Experiences

Autonomous Learning Experiences

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This article describes and provides examples of Autonomous Learning Experiences.

What is an Autonomous Learning Experience?

Autonomous Learning Experiences allow ANZCAP members to independently document, self evaluate and self-reflect on a variety of significant professional experiences.

Compared to other categories of learning experiences, Autonomous Learning Experiences do not require collaboration with peers for feedback or for the professional experience to be peer reviewed.

Autonomous Learning Experiences can contribute towards recognition of professional practice in a variety of ways by inclusion in either recognition or custom portfolios.

A maximum of 10 autonomous learning experiences can be included in an Independent pathway recognition portfolio.

Types of Autonomous Learning Experiences

There are 11 different types of Autonomous Learning Experiences that can be used to document a broad variety of professional experiences. Please refer to the list below for the names and definitions of each type of Autonomous Learning Experience.

Self-evaluation of attendance/involvement at seminar or conference and reflection of subsequent impact on practice

Evaluates the individual's communication and consultation skills from the consumer perspective 

Autonomous Case Presentation

Self-evaluation of the ability to present a case to colleagues 

Self-evaluation of the ability to present and discuss scientific findings from a published journal with colleagues

Self-evaluates the individual's leadership and management capabilities

Self-evaluates the individuals' non-clinical skills

Self-evaluates the individual's ability when involved in a quality improvement project  

Self-evaluates an individual's ability to supervise a learner in either the clinical or non-clinical space. 

Self-evaluates the individual's contribution to a research project

Self-evaluates the individual's ability to deliver and/or develop educational content to a group of learners 

Self-evaluates and guides individual reflection of a significant professional experience they have observed or been involved in


Some types of Learning Experiences are available in both the Autonomous and Collaborative category e.g. Supervision Report.

The ANZCAP member may choose which category of LX is most appropriate for the particular scenario by considering the availability of a suitable collaborator and/or the requirements for contribution to an ANZCAP recognition portfolio.

Autonomous Learning Experience Workflow

All Autonomous Learning Experiences involve 3 steps for completion; Prepare, Engage & Reflect.





Pharmacist identifies an appropriate professional experience that is significant to their practice and aligns it with the appropriate type of Autonomous Learning Experience.

The pharmacist must independently determine:

Pharmacist engages in the professional experience (skill or situation)

Pharmacist completes the ANZCAP LX digital tool, which guides the pharmacist to:

  • Self-evaluate key skills of the experience

  • Reflect on the experience by identifying strengths, areas for development & development goals

  • Upload evidence to support the Autonomous Learning Experience


*Pharmacists may have engaged in discussion with professional peers, mentors or managers to encourage reflective practice. However, the Autonomous Learning Experience tool can be completed by the pharmacist without collaboration.

Autonomous Learning Experience Tools

Each type of Autonomous Learning Experience has it’s own digital tool on the ANZCAP platform. The Autonomous Learning Experience Tools will guide candidates through the process of documenting the criteria for each LX.

For further details on how to complete a Learning Experience on the ANZCAP digital platform please refer to the How to complete a Learning Experience article.

National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia

Each type of Autonomous Learning Experience has been mapped to the relevant domains within the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia 2016.

Competence Standards for Pharmacists in Aotearoa New Zealand Pharmacists

Each type of Autonomous Learning Experience has been mapped to the relevant domains within the Competence Standards for Pharmacists in Aotearoa New Zealand Pharmacists, 2023.


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