Disputes resolution policy

Disputes resolution policy

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In this article


This article describes the ANZCAP disputes resolution policy.

It includes:
a) Grounds and procedure to raise disputes with ANZCAP
b) ANZCAP resolution approach, resolution options and procedures

Purpose and scope 

Should an individual dispute the awarding of recognition to another practitioner, they can apply for a review of that practitioner’s recognition portfolio. 

The purpose of this Policy is to outline the circumstances in which ANZCAP (the College) will accept and progress a review of an individual’s recognition at any level. 

 This Policy applies to all AdPha and College staff, pharmacists and technicians recognised by the College, and any person who submits a disputes application. 


In this Policy, unless otherwise indicated by the context: 

  1. Applicant means a person who has formally disputed another individual’s recognition. 

  2. Portfolio means the body of work submitted by an individual to the College for recognition at a given level. 



Any person  

  • whose interests are directly and adversely affected by the awarding of an individual’s recognition; or 

  • who is dissatisfied with the awarding of an individual’s recognition. 

may, within three (3) months, dispute the awarding of the recognition. 

The onus of establishing the relevant grounds for a review falls on the Applicant. 

Applications must: 

  • be submitted on the appropriate form (disputes form); 

  • clearly state the grounds for the application (as outlined in section 1.1); 

  • be accompanied by additional information to support the application; 

  • be accompanied by payment of the relevant fee. 

 The Applicant’s details will be kept confidential at all times during the disputes resolution process. 

Grounds for application 

For an application to progress there must be demonstrable evidence, provided at the time of application, of one or more of the following: 

  • Learning experiences 

  • Incomplete; 

  • Misalignment with level of recognition awarded; 

  • Inappropriate collaborator used; 

  • Supporting evidence not relevant or sufficient; 

  • Specialty area selected (Pharmacist Registrar and Consultant level) 

  • Any other areas that an Applicant feels warrants review and can provide supporting evidence for. 

 Dispute of recognition obtained through the Prior Professional Experience process 

Applicants may dispute the recognition of an individual who has been recognised through the Prior Professional Experience process. 

Applications for candidates recognised through this process will be dealt with individually given the alternate requirements of the process. 

 Acceptance of applications 

The College reserves the right not to accept a disputes application where the Applicant is:  

  • unable to produce any reasonable or relevant evidence in support of the stated grounds on which the application is based; 

  • found to have a conflict of interest with regard to the individual whose recognition they are disputing. 

 Decision on disputes 

All decisions regarding disputes will be made by the Head of Workforce Advancement. 

Both the Applicant and the individual whose portfolio was disputed will be notified of the outcome in writing (via email).  This email will detail: 

  • On what basis the dispute has been upheld or dismissed; 

  • The appeal process; 

  • Conditions to be placed on the individual’s recognition (if the dispute is upheld). 


The College will endeavour to complete all reviews within a reasonable timeframe (four [4] weeks). In times when this is not possible all parties will be notified via email of the delay and anticipated timeframes. 


The Applicant is required to pay an application fee before a review is commenced. The application fee is determined by the College and may be changed at any time. 




The individual whose recognition has been disputed will be notified in writing (via email). This notification will include: 

  • A copy of the disputes application form (anonymised); 

  • An outline of the process that will be followed; 

  • Information about their right of reply/appeal. 

Within two (2) business days of the application being received 

Independent review of the disputed portfolio will be performed by two members of the ANZCAP and/or AdPha Workforce team. 

The portfolio will be reviewed to ensure: 

  • Learning experiences (LX) provided are completed in full; 

  • Alignment between the recognition level indicated in each individual LX with the level of recognition awarded; 

  • Alignment between the specialty area indicated in each LX with the specialty area selected for recognition; 

  • Appropriateness of the collaborator used for collaborative LX; 

  • Evidence uploaded to support LX is relevant and appropriate. 

Particular attention will be paid to any areas outlined in the request for review form. 

This review will commence within two (2) weeks of the request being received and shall take no more than ten (10) business days to complete. 


On completion of their reviews, the reviewers will provide their reports independently to the Head of Workforce Advancement. 

These reports will be reviewed and a decision made within five (5) business days. 

Dispute upheld 

 Both the Applicant and the individual whose recognition was disputed will be notified of the outcome in writing via email. 

The email will outline on what basis the dispute has been upheld. 

 The individual whose portfolio has been found lacking will also be notified in this email of:  

  • Their right to appeal to the decision, the criteria for this and the time frame in which this must occur. 

  • That their recognition will be ‘conditional’ whilst this process takes place. 

 Should the individual not wish to move to an appeal, they will be notified of the conditions that must be met in order for their recognition to be reinstated. 

  • Whilst they are working to meet these conditions, their recognition will remain ‘conditional’.   

Within two (2) business days of the decision being made. 

Dispute dismissed 

 Both the Applicant and the individual whose recognition was disputed will be notified of the outcome in writing via email. 

Should the Applicant wish to further appeal this decision, they may do so by completing the appeals form. 

Within two (2) business days of the decision being made. 

Related standards, policies and processes 

See also:

  • Appeals Policy  

Please contact ANZCAP for copies of the following:

  • Disputes application form 

  • Appeals form 


Policy Approvals

Approved by 
Kylee Hayward 
Previously approved by 
Date approved 
Intended audience 
AdPha and ANZCAP staff, Pharmacists and technicians recognised through ANZCAP 
Scheduled for review 
August 2024 


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