Recognition Renewal

Recognition Renewal

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This article describes the process and requirements for annual recognition renewal, midcycle reflection and recognition revalidation.

Maintaining your recognition image.png

Annual recognition renewal

Annual renewal occurs each year on the anniversary of your most recent recognition. This date will likely change as you progress through recognition levels.

It is recommended all ANZCAP recognised practitioners complete a minimum of four Learning Experiences (LXs) each year – this allows you to demonstrate ongoing practice in you specialty area/s (at Pharmacist Registrar and Pharmacist Consultant levels) and recency of practice (in the event of portfolio audit).

Given the crossover with competency standards, LXs may also contribute to your annual CPD needs.

At the time of annual recognition renewal, you will be asked to confirm that you:

  • have completed at least four LXs in the last 12 months, as part of building a portfolio towards recognition or to maintain currency of practice

  • continue to practice in the specialty area(s) in which you are recognised (Pharmacist Registrar and Pharmacist Consultant levels only).

Midcycle reflection

Two and a half years after your most recent recognition, you will be invited to complete a Midcycle Reflection.

While not a mandatory requirement of annual recognition renewal, components of this process will be utilised at your recognition revalidation.

At the time of your midcycle reflection, you will be asked to provide:

  1. A description of your current role and responsibilities (250 words)

  2. Details of what you consider to be your two most significant professional achievements over the last 2.5 years, providing evidence in the form of validated LXs, including a 500-word reflection per achievement.

  3. Details of your professional aspirations for the next 2.5 years (500 words), which will inform your five-year recognition revalidation.

Recognition revalidation

If your ANZCAP recognition level and/or specialty has not changed in five years, you are required to revalidate.

The revalidation process is designed to be user friendly and should take around 2-3 hours.  This process ensures that individuals are still practicing at the level and in the specialties in which they are recognised.

At the time of your recognition revalidation, you will be required to provide:

  1. A description of your current role and responsibilities (250 words).

  2. Details of your four most significant professional achievements during the past five years, including one validated LX for each (500 words for each achievement) and other evidence if desired.

  3. Details of what you consider to have been less than successful during the past five years, including how you might revisit the challenge in the future with a greater chance of achieving the desired outcome (500 words).

  4. A review and reflection on the professional aspirations detailed in your midcycle reflection, along with details of your professional aspirations for the next five years (500 words).

  5. A custom portfolio containing the LXs identified as significant achievements (re: point 2, above) along with an additional six LXs completed during the preceding five years (at least two must be from the preceding 12 months).

In addition to the required evidence above, you will be asked to provide your evidence and custom portfolio to your employer, who is required to complete an online declaration before the revalidation can be processed. This declaration asks the employer to confirm:

  • they have been provided with the required recognition revalidation evidence, including the opportunity to review if desired

  • the practitioner who is undertaking revalidation is practicing at the level at which they are currently recognised and in the area(s) in which they are recognised.

Auditing (Collation of evidence to support your Foundation Program recognition)

Recognition renewal differs from the auditing process. Please refer to the Foundation Program auditing article for further information.


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