In this article
This article contains information on how to complete an Autonomous LEADER.
What is the LEADER LX?
The Autonomous Leadership Assessment Skills (LEADER) is an Autonomous Learning Experience that can be used to document and guide self-reflection of an occasion where a pharmacist utilised management, leadership and/or teamwork skills through real-time or retrospective review of a professional situation.
It is a Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) tool that can be used for inclusion towards advancing practice recognition.
The main outcome of the tool is to record evidence of current professional practice in a situation that utilizes a combination of management, leadership and/or teamwork skills in a chosen professional setting or topic.
Conducting a performance review on a member or your team
Overseeing the development or review of a new service in your team or practice area (e.g., integration of Partnered Pharmacist charting in the emergency department OR roll out of automatic dispensing machines on your ward)
Develop and implement a cultural awareness policy*
Develop and implement a policy for providing health information to consumers*
Managing a customer complaint
Managing a dispensing error
Developing a pharmacy business plan*
* Denotes Learning Experiences that may assist in meeting Quality Care 2020 requirements
Leadership Assessment Skills (LEADER) Process
🧩 Prepare
🎯 Engage
The pharmacist identifies a suitable skill or situation to utilize the LEADER tool. Ensuring that the practice recognition level and clinical setting/topic that the LEADER is to focus on is appropriate.
Pharmacist completes the skill or situation
Pharmacist completes the Autonomous LEADER tool which includes documentation, reflection and development goal setting
An Autonomous LEADER is best completed as a retrospective reflection.
The total time to complete the Autonomous LEADER tool should take between 10-15 minutes. However, the skill or situation may occur over an extended period of time for skills.
Choosing a LEADER Situation
There is a wide variety of skills or situations that may be appropriate for reflection using the Autonomous LEADER tool. See some suggested examples above. Ideally an Autonomous LEADER should focus on a scenario that has been completed to allow the pharmacist to also consider the outcomes of the scenario. Ultimately the exact scenario, role played, and the skills expected by the pharmacist will vary depending on the practice recognition level they are aiming to meet.
Practice Recognition Level
The pharmacist must identify a LEADER opportunity that applies to their current level of practice (e.g. ANZCAP resident, register or consultant) and area of specialty.
Please refer to the ANZCAP recognition descriptors article for the further guidance on markers of performance for each ANZCAP recognition level.
In some scenarios the same skill or situation may be used for pharmacists aiming for different levels of practice recognition. However, the complexity and expected knowledge, skills and role will vary.
Pharmacists may have engaged in discussion with professional peers, mentors or managers to encourage reflective practice. However, this is an Autonomous Learning Experience and therefore the final submission should be completed by the pharmacist without collaboration.
Reflection & Goal Setting
The pharmacist is encouraged to utilize the SMART goal technique to develop any learning or development goals that are identified from self-reflection after the experience.
Forms and Templates
The LEADER tool is available on the ANZCAP Digital platform. Ideally pharmacists will enter relevant information into the digital tool after completion of the LEADER experience.
Alternatively, pharmacists may use LEADER tools from their own workplace and upload it to the digital platform where they can then confirm completion of an Autonomous Learning Experience.
For further details on how to complete a Learning Experience on the ANZCAP digital platform please refer to the How to complete a Learning Experience article.
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