ANZCAP Specialty Areas of Practice

ANZCAP Specialty Areas of Practice

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This article lists and defines the 46 specialty areas of practice that ANZCAP Pharmacist Registrars and Pharmacist Consultants can be recognised in.

Specialty areas of practice

Pharmacists who achieve ANZCAP recognition at the Pharmacist Registrar and Pharmacist Consultant level may nominate one or two of 46 areas of specialty pharmacy practice to indicate the area/s in which they have attained their skills and experience. The specialty areas of practice and post-nominal abbreviations are described in the table below.

Specialty area 



Addiction Medicine 

ANZCAP-Reg. (AddMed.) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services aimed at the prevention, evaluation, treatment, and recovery of consumers diagnosed with addiction in a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care settings.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Anticoag.

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Anticoag.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services to people receiving anticoagulant therapy or venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in a range of settings including inpatient, peri-operative, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care.

Cancer Medicine 

ANZCAP-Reg. (OncHaem) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for oncology and haematology patients in inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care settings for patients of any age.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Cardiol.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Cardiol.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in coronary care, cardiac units, emergency medicine, critical care, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac surgery across a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care.

Clinical Trials 

ANZCAP-Reg. (ClinTrials) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (ClinTrials)

Pharmacist Consultant

The provision of a clinical trial or investigational drugs pharmacy service to clinical trial participants in hospitals and Phase 1 clinical trial units, and pharmacy services provided to research departments.

Community Pharmacy 

ANZCAP-Reg. (CommPharm) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (CommPharm)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in any community pharmacy setting, including primary healthcare, educating consumers on health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines, safe and legal supply of medications and advice on drug selection and usage to other health professionals.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Compound.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Compound.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services related to the sterile or non-sterile compounding of medicines, nutrition, chemotherapy and other products.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Derm.) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for people affected by dermatological conditions of the skin, hair, and nails in a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care.

Critical Care 

ANZCAP-Reg. (CritCare) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (CritCare)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in critical care or related areas such as high dependency units and emergency medicine.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Edu.) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

The supervision, education, professional development or training of learners in academic pharmacy or pharmacy healthcare organisations.

Emergency Medicine 

ANZCAP-Reg. (EmergMed) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (EmergMed)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in emergency medicine or related areas such as toxicology, pre-hospital care, disaster and retrieval medicine.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Endo.) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services to people diagnosed with conditions including diabetes, thyroid disfunction and osteoporosis in a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care .


ANZCAP-Reg. (Gastro.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Gastro.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for people diagnosed with gastrointestinal issues – including Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); liver, gall bladder and bile duct diseases; Pancreatic, Coeliac and Oesophageal diseases – in a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Generalist) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Generalist)

Pharmacist Consultant

The broad experience of providing pharmacy care to a wide range of people in a variety of medical and/or surgical specialties across diverse healthcare settings.

General Medicine 

ANZCAP-Reg. (GenMed) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for people receiving care in inpatient general medical units, general medicine outpatient clinics or for people otherwise receiving General Medicine pharmacy services in ambulatory or primary care settings.

Geriatric Medicine 

ANZCAP-Reg. (GeriMed) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for older people in a range of settings including acute medical and surgical units, subacute aged care, rehabilitation, residential aged care and other inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care settings.

Infectious Diseases 

ANZCAP-Reg. (InfDis) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for people with infectious diseases, including critical care, tropical medicine, antimicrobial stewardship, antimicrobial therapeutic drug monitoring, surgical prophylaxis and HIV and sexual health medicine.

Leadership and Management 

ANZCAP-Reg. (Lead&Mgmt) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Lead&Mgmt)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy leadership and management undertaken by pharmacy owners, pharmacists-in-charge, directors of pharmacy, associate/deputy directors, team leaders or senior pharmacists in community pharmacy or public or private hospitals. Includes other influential roles in health departments and government,, universities, advisory bodies or QUM organisations.

Medication Safety  

ANZCAP-Reg. (MedSafety) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (MedSafety)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services dedicated to the provision of safe medication use and patient care at an organisational level, health service level or state/national level e.g. DUE and MUE.

Medication Supply  

ANZCAP-Reg. (MedSupply) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (MedSupply)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services related to dispensing or distributing in a primary care, inpatient or outpatient setting, medicine procurement, formulary management or robotics and automation.

Medicines Information 

ANZCAP-Reg. (MedInfo) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant  

Evidence-based advice services ensuring healthcare professionals and patients have access to accurate and safe resources and information about medicines; roles span a variety of healthcare setting or advisory bodies.

Medicines Management

ANZCAP-Reg. (MedsMgmt) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (MedsMgmt)

Pharmacist Consultant

The broad experience of providing indirect consumer pharmacy care, which may include service delivery, governance support, planning, education, leadership, and/or systems improvements and projects.

Men’s Health

ANZCAP-Reg. (MensHlth) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (MensHlth)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services to support the treatment and/or prevention of conditions affecting men's health incorporation but not exclusive to urological health, sexual health to mental health, in a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care.

Mental Health 

ANZCAP-Reg. (MentalHlth) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (MentalHlth)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy care provided in mental health units, and in any inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care setting to patients of any age with mental health conditions. 


ANZCAP-Reg. (Neonatol.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Neonatol.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care settings where newborns require care, including neonatal intensive care, special care nurseries, dedicated children’s health services and maternity health services. Can be combined with another specialty area (e.g. Neonatalogy and Surgery to describe neonatal surgery).


ANZCAP-Reg. (Neph.

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in nephrology units, kidney transplant units, critical care, dialysis units and any other inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care settings where patients of any age with renal impairment require care.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Neuro.

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Neuro.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for neurological conditions and their treatment and management within dedicated neurology units or any other inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care setting.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Ophthal.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Ophthal.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for people with ophthalmology conditions including treatment and management in inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory and primary care settings.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Paeds) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services provided in inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory and primary care settings where children require care, including paediatric intensive care, dedicated children’s health services and maternity health services. Can be selected with another specialty area (e.g. Paediatrics and Cancer Services to describe paediatric cancer services).

Pain Management 

ANZCAP-Reg. (PainMgmt) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (PainMgmt)

Pharmacist Consultant

The management of acute or persistent pain through pharmacy services in a range of settings, including acute surgical or critical care units, persistent pain clinics and other inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care settings.

Palliative Care 

ANZCAP-Reg. (PallCare) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (PallCare)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy care provided to people with progressive life-limiting illnesses with a focus on quality of life, including improving symptom management, in a range of settings including consultative services, inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care settings in specialist palliative care services.

Perioperative Medicine 

ANZCAP-Reg. (PeriopMed) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (PeriopMed)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in pre-anaesthetic assessment clinics, operating theatres and/or anaesthetics departments, in general wards where surgical patients are treated, and for people before and after surgery.

Pharmacy Informatics

ANZCAP-Reg. (Informtcs) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Informtcs)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services dedicated to deploying, building, analysing and improving data and digital systems such as electronic medication records, e-prescribing, dispensing software, automated dispensing systems, smart pumps and pharmacy robots.

Primary Care 

ANZCAP-Reg. (PrimCare) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (PrimCare)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in a General Practitioner (GP) clinics and residential aged care facilities including the provision of Medication Management Review (MMR) and/or Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR).

Public Health

ANZCAP-Reg. (PublicHlth) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (PublicHlth)

Pharmacist Consultant

Contribution to Australian and/or New Zealand public healthcare services, healthcare professionals, patients and/or communities through a role in public health legislation, policies, guidelines and/or projects.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Rehab.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Rehab.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services as a member of a multi-disciplinary team to support the management of patients undergoing rehabilitation in a subacute inpatient, outpatient or ambulatory healthcare setting.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Research) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Research)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services of academic researcher (i.e. university research positions) or combined research and healthcare in a range of settings including hospitals, primary healthcare, research organisations and universities.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Resp.) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services related to the treatment and/or management of respiratory conditions either in dedicated respiratory units or any other inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or primary care setting.

Rural and Remote Health

ANZCAP-Reg. (RuralHlth) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (RuralHlth)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services to improve medicines use and healthcare for patients treated in remote, rural and regional areas in a range of settings including inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory care or primary care.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Surg.) 

Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services in surgical units, operating theatres and/or anaesthetics departments and pharmacy services provided in general wards where surgical patients are treated, and for people before, during and after surgery.


ANZCAP-Reg. (Steward) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Steward)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy roles focused on the careful and responsible management of medication to achieve the best possible health outcomes. May incorporate monitoring of medication use, promoting sustainable use of medications and/or minimising adverse outcomes. Can be selected along with another specialty area (i.e. Stewardship and Infectious Diseases to describe antimicrobial stewardship).


ANZCAP-Reg. (Toxicol.) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Toxicol.)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services to support the management of patients presenting to an acute care setting following poisoning or a snake or spider bite. Roles may span a variety of health care settings that provide support and/or advice to healthcare professionals or patients.

Transitions of Care  


Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services that support continuity of care between healthcare services, particularly hospital and primary care e.g. Transition Care Program (TCP), Hospital Admission Risk Programs (HARP), Hospital in the Home (HITH) and Hospital Outreach Medication Reviews (HOMR).


ANZCAP-Reg. (Transplant) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (Transplant)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services for transplant recipients. Can be selected along with another specialty (i.e. Nephrology and Transplant to describe renal transplant).

Voluntary Assisted Dying 


Pharmacist Registrar


Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services related to the provision of Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) services.

Women’s Health 

ANZCAP-Reg. (ObsGynae) 

Pharmacist Registrar

FANZCAP (ObsGynae)

Pharmacist Consultant

Pharmacy services across all aspects of women’s health – from menarche to menopause and medicine use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.


If you can’t find the area you wish to attribute to your portfolio, consider your current role and what it involves – are there specialty areas that are listed that could fit what you do? Are you a generalist rather than practising in one specific area?

Updates to specialty areas

The specialty areas of practice will be reviewed regularly. The most recent update included the addition of six new areas in February 2024: Rehabilitation, Toxicology, Men’s Health, Public Health, Rural and remote Health and Anticoagulation.

Please email anzcap@shpa.org.au if you would to update your previously obtained recognition to include any of these new areas or to submit a request for addition of any further specialty areas in the future.


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