Collaborative Peer Assessment

Collaborative Peer Assessment

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In this article


This article contains information on how to complete a Collaborative Peer Assessment.

What is the Collaborative Peer Assessment LX?

The Peer Assessment Learning Experience (LX) is a Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) tool that can be used to provide formative assessment as part of an approved training and development program and/or for inclusion towards ANZCAP recognition.

There are various peer assessment tools that utilise anonymous multi-source feedback or 360° assessment from peers. This feedback provides the candidate with a comprehensive picture of their professional performance, skills, attitude and behaviour.

Examples include:

  • Mini Peer Assessment Tool (Mini-PAT)

  • 360° Peer review

The main outcome of the interaction between pharmacist and collaborator should be to promote reflection of current professional practice based on the feedback contained within the peer assessment report.

Collaborative Peer Assessment Process




  1. The candidate highlights a suitable group of peers to gain anonymous feedback from.

  1. The candidate should arrange for a peer assessment report.

  1. Pharmacist and collaborator engage in a discussion focusing on a debrief and reflection of the feedback within the report.

  2. Collaborator assists pharmacist to identify key development goals from the reflection utilizing the SMART goal method 

The reflection and goal setting should typically take 15-20 minutes  

The final discussion aspect of the Peer Assessment LX should be conducted in an appropriate working space that lends itself to privacy due to ensure candidate comfort.

Choosing a group of peers

The candidate should ensure that the group of peers providing feedback have:

  • worked closely with the candidate over a sufficient period of time to ensure that they can provide constructive feedback

  • worked closely with the candidate while they have been practicing in a role that reflects at the chosen ANZCAP practice recognition level

  • a range of experiences and roles


  • Multi-disciplinary team you have worked with in a GP clinic

  • Multi-disciplinary team you have worked with while working as a respiratory pharmacist in a hospital

  • A project team you have worked with when implementing a new quality improvement initiative

  • The pharmacy team you work with in your community pharmacy

Accessing a peer assessment report

Options to access an anonymous peer assessment feedback report include:

  • AdPha Mini-PAT service

  • Local organisation or state based service

  • Use of an online survey tool to create a personalised feedback survey

Practice Recognition Level

The Peer Assessment Learning Experience is mapped to:

  • Domain 1, 2 & 4 of the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia 2016. Please note that not all the domain 1, 2 & 4 indicators listed in this document may be relevant to this Learning Experience.

  • Domain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Competence Standards for Pharmacists in Aotearoa New Zealand Pharmacists, 2023. Please note that not all the Domain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 behaviours listed in these competence standards may be relevant to this Learning Experience

Please refer to the ANZCAP recognition descriptors article for the further guidance on markers of performance for each ANZCAP recognition level. The pharmacist and collaborator should indicate in the Learning Experience which of the three levels of practice recognition (resident, register, consultant) they are currently practicing at or a candidate for. 


The collaborator must be familiar with the peer assessment process and have the required expertise and scope of practice to ensure that they can support the candidate to reflect on the feedback within the report.

Collaborators may come from a variety of health professional backgrounds e.g., pharmacy, medical, surgical. 

Further guidance for collaborators involved in this learning experience can be found here

Development Goals

The pharmacist and collaborator are encouraged to utilize the SMART goal technique to develop any learning or development goals that are identified from the reflection and feedback discussion. 


Forms and Templates 

Evidence of peer assessment or feedback is documented directly into the ANZCAP digital platform as a Collaborative Learning Experience (LX). For further step by step instructions on how to do this please refer to the How to complete a Learning Experience article.

If ANZCAP members wish to use a peer assessment form from their own organisation, the completed form may be uploaded into the Supporting Evidence section of the LX. (Please note that for the LX to become validated the candidate must still complete all sections marked with an asterisk (*) and the collaborator must document their involvement via the electronic collaborator declaration process).


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