ANZCAP members who have received recognition as an ANZCAP Pharmacy Resident, Pharmacy Registrar or Pharmacy Consultant Pharmacist are entitled to use post-nominals after their name to indicate the recognition and area(s) of specialty.
ANZCAP members who have received recognition as an ANZCAP Pharmacist Resident, Pharmacist Registrar or Pharmacist Consultant Pharmacist are entitled to use a certificate to share achievement of their ANZCAP recognition.
ANZCAP members who have received recognition as an ANZCAP Pharmacist Resident, Pharmacist Registrar or Pharmacist Consultant Pharmacist are able to share a summary of their recognition portfolio with professional peers. There are two types of summaries that can be shared:
Simple summary (pictured below)
Full summary; (feature available in future releases) contains details Detailed summary for Custom Portfolios, the Independent Pathway and Training Programs contains a summary of the LX used to achieve recognition
From the Recognition portfolio page you can share your recognition portfolio summary by selecting the “Actions” button in the bottom left hand corner of the recognition tile. Choose the “Share simple summary” option or “Detailed Summary” options that are available to you. You may download a copy of the summary or share it will colleagues using the link.